Tickets now available!

Hey everyone, really pleased to announce that you can now get tickets for Everyday Cyborgs and Humanimals at the Edinburgh Filmhouse on the 9th of December! Here’s the full event description:

In a future where human beings can live longer by putting different kinds of materials (animal, mechanical or human) in the body, more of us, will have more in us.

On Saturday 9th of December there will be a unique opportunity to view a collection of short films and animations that all raise the question: if an individual is no longer 100% biologically human does that change them as a person? In doing so, we discover what it is about human beings, being human.

Films include a live-action short created by young people based on how it would feel to be ‘humanimal’, and an animation of life as an everyday cyborg based on interviews with people who have an implantable cardiac defibrillator.

The event starts at 1 pm and will end at 3 pm. Go to eventbrite and get your tickets now following this link: Tickets for Everyday Cyborgs and Humanimals

Looking forward to seeing you all there!


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